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Your relaxing music mix

The Smooth Radio North East experience is about playing the soundtrack to your life  - we play the biggest and best songs from the past 40 years, brought to your customers by our engaging presenters.

Listen to Gareth Evans across the Midlands every weekday morning between 6am - 10am.


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How can my Midlands business benefit from radio advertising?

With more people tuning into commercial radio than ever, it has never been more important to get your messaging in-front of the right audience at the right time.




High Return on Investment

Radio advertising produces £7.70 revenue ROI for every one pound spent.



Cost Effective

The cost of radio advertising is generally low, allowing you to buy more audience impressions for your money than any other medium.





Efficiently Targeted

Radio advertising can be targeted by station type, age, social grade and region.




Short Lead Times

Ideal for the promotion of last minute advertising messages to the North West region.



Easy Media Integration

Placing radio advertising alongside other media can enhance an overall campaign performance. 



High Impact on Low Radio Advertising Cost

Radio advertising delivers an average cost per thousand (CPT) of £1.54. Out of home delivers an average CPT of £3.03.


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